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Human Right

Together We Can Make Our Society a Better Place

A better society where all can find support and encouragement to work hard, live in dignity and feel proud to belong is a society where every person’s right is respected.
To achieve such a society, we implement the following initiatives to promote, protect and defend the rights ofeach and every member of the society.
The aim of our human rights education is to empower citizens with the knowledge to promote, defend and protect human rights.
We teach citizens:
  • Their human rights as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
  • Their Fundamental Human Rights as enshrined in the constitution.
  • How to promote and protect human rights and,
  • How to prevent, defend and fight abuse of human rights.
How We Educate Citizens on Human Rights
  • Mass Media – We publish weekly educative articles and videos in the “Know Your Right” section of C-Advocate newspaper and C-Advocate Television.
  • Virtual Information Sessions – We hold monthly “Ask a Lawyer” virtual information session – facilitated by a member of C-Advocate Pro Bono Lawyers – to answer any questions that citizens may have on human rights
  • Community Outreaches and Awareness – We train Human Rights Anchors to sensitize communities on what constitutes human rights, how to prevent human rights abuse and how to report abuse.
  • Leaders Conference: We organize conferences for leaders and aspiring leaders to learn more about human rights and how to uphold them.
  • Students Learning Modules: We develop and administer human rights learning modules for primary, secondary and university level students.
  • Workshops, Seminars and Bootcamps: We organize workshops, seminars and bootcamps for youth and women groups, churches and communities, etc, to address specific human rights issues.
The overarching goal of our human rights media advocacy is to put pressure on those responsible for upholding human rights to take action. Our “Know Your Right “newspaper and television programs also track human rights violations, expose them and call on those responsible for upholding such rights to take action. The programs relie on eyewitness stories and leads from victims and Human Rights Anchors to build up credible stories. Through media campaigns and investigative reporting, we prevent and fight abuse of human rights while promoting respect for human rights. Follow our media advocacy at:
Our human rights violation reporting, and remedy mechanisms help us to hold violators of human rights accountable. Victims of human rights abuse, human rights anchors and the general public can report violations and pursue remedies through any of the following mechanisms:
  • C-Advocate Toll Free Line (0800-900-1000): Confidential no-cost to caller phone line for reporting human rights violations. Callers can also call/chat or leave an audio/video whatsapp message on +2348165047214


  • C-Advocate Online Reporting Form: Easy to use confidential form for reporting human rights violations.


  • C-Advocate Pro Bono Lawyers: A team of lawyers that investigate violation reports and take legal actions to provide remedy to victims.

Human rights policy advocacy is a priority to us because good human rights policies and laws make respect for human rights possible. Our advocacy team push for policy changes, laws and orders – at state, national and international levels – that support respect for human rights and discourage abuse of human rights.

We design projects to tackle specific human rights issues in the community, state or nation.
Some of our recent projects are:
Soro Soke Project (Closed)

Ending Police Brutality and Abuse of Human Rights of Youths in the South East – Funded by VOICE

UN Human Rights As Seen By Nigerian Youths (Closed)
A review of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by select youths drawn from across Nigeria.
Effective Leaders Conference (Open)
Annual conference of Network of Effective African Leaders (NEAL) – a mentorship program for aspiring political, business, educational, judicial, religious and media leaders – featuring trainings in human rights.
Sexual Harassment Policy for Tertiary Institutions in Imo State (Open)
Comprehensive sexual harassment policy developed by CSAAE in partnership with Centers for Gender Studies in Imo state. CSAAE is advocating for its adoption and domestication in all Tertiary Institutions in Imo state.

Full list of our Human Rights Promotion and Protection Mechanism

Features: “Know Your Right” section that teaches citizens their rights, exposes human rights abuses and puts pressure on those responsible for upholding human rights.
Features “Know Your Right” series that teaches citizens their rights, exposes human rights abuses and pressures those responsible for upholding
human rights.
Pro bono lawyers that provide free legal services to victims of human rights violations.
Provides opportunity for victims of human rights abuse and human rights defenders to report human rights violations. Our Advocacy teams are available to listen to callers and engage relevant authorities on the issue.
For Reporting Human Rights Violations
Trained volunteer human rights defenders that promote human rights in the communities and report violations.
Rewards Citizens, HRAs and Human Rights Defenders Promoting and Protecting human Rights.